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What is the color difference between genital warts and skin tags?

How do genital warts and skin tags feel when touched?

What is the difference in growth patterns between genital warts and skin tags?

What body parts do they usually affect?

Additional information that helps differentiate between genital warts and skin tags.

The context includes the history of the bump (how it's changing over time and how fast it is growing), the patient's age, the location of the skin lesion, the prevalence of each condition in the geographic area, and the patient's genetic predisposition.

The following additional information, called contextual, helps tell the difference between genital warts and skin tags:

  • History of the condition
  • Patient age
  • Prevalence of the condition in the geographic area
  • The patient's genetic predisposition
  • Other conditions that predispose the patient to the growth in question

Context information is 10% of the diagnosis (mainly, it confirms the diagnosis based on visual examination).

Let's talk about each of these in detail!

History of the bumps

Is there any age difference between getting HPV and a Skin tag?

How common are HPV and skin tags?

Is there any genetic predisposition between getting genital warts and skin tags?

What are the causes of both conditions?

Photos of genital skin tags

Here, we show you photos borrowed from other websites and explain the main differences between skin tags and genital warts, which will help you make a diagnosis.

Photos of skin tags and genital warts

Skin tag #1

This image shows:

  • A fragile base and a much bigger top
  • The appearance of a deflated balloon
Photos of skin tags and genital warts

Skin tag #2

This image shows:

  • A fragile base and a more significant top
  • A skin tag is easily bendable
  • The skin tag is darker in color than the surrounding skin
Photos of skin tags and genital warts

Skin tag #3

This image shows:

  • Multiple skin tags in one of the areas where they most commonly appear, the neck (skin tags prefer dry areas with a lot of friction, and the neck tends to come in contact with jewelry and fabric)
  • Females are more likely to get skin tags
  • Variation in colors that are different from the color of the patient's skin

Photos of genital warts

Photos of skin tags and genital warts

Genital warts #1

This image shows:

  • Broad-based genital warts
  • A rough cauliflower surface
  • The location of the warts (the base of the penis) is an area that is not covered by a condom but that is exposed to infection.
Photos of skin tags and genital warts

Genital warts #2

This image shows:

  • Pedunculated warts-despite being pedunculated, the wart base is broad (usually as broad as the top of the warts)
  • Rubbery consistency (hard to the touch)
  • The location is the base of the penis (where a condom ends)
  • Multiple warts in clusters (extended to adjacent tissue by scratching and shaving)

How are HPV and skin tags diagnosed?

Most genital warts are diagnosed based on a visual examination at the doctor's office. A skin biopsy is the next logical step if the diagnosis is doubted. A whole bump or a portion of one is sent to a lab for further analysis under a microscope. A skin biopsy is considered a minor in-office procedure done under local anesthesia.

Do you need to treat genital warts and skin tags?

Skin tags and most visible genital warts are benign conditions, and treatment is optional.

Skin tags

People sometimes get treatment for skin tags for these reasons:

The tags are constantly irritated by being caught on cloth or jewelry

For aesthetic reasons (they don't like how they look)

Genital wart

People sometimes get treatment for skin tags for these reasons:

Unlike skin tags, genital warts [6] Genital warts: stats pearl https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441884/ are infectious and can spread to adjacent skin andsexual partners. Therefore, people may get treatment to stop local self-spreading and decrease the chance of spreading them to partners.

Untreated warts usually improve over time, but the immune system might take up to two years to clear them.

How are these bumps treated?

The treatment for genital warts and skin tags [1] SKIN TAGS: WHY THEY DEVELOP, AND HOW TO REMOVE THEM https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/a-z/skin-tags is the same, and it's very effective. The skin tag or genital wart is destroyed. Different methods can achieve this:



The lesion is removed by cutting it with a scalpel or scissors. This is a very minor in-office procedure.


Direct rays of light burn away the tag or wart.


An application of acid destroys the tag or wart. The acid that is commonly used is trichloroacetic acid (TCA).

Can these HPV and skin tags be prevented?

Skin tags

It needs to be clarified why and how skin tags develop. Multiple factors might be involved, and for that reason, they are not considered preventable.

Genital wart

Unlike skin tags, genital warts [6] Genital warts: stats pearl https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441884/ can be prevented, or (to be more precise) the chance of getting them can be minimized in these ways:

  • Getting the vaccine
  • Using protection during sex

How to differentiate Skin tags from Genital warts (HPV). By STD expert.

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